How to Join the Challenge
- Complete tracks to learn skills, earn badges, and get prizes based on your achievements.
- This is a limited time offer valid only through July 19, 2022 or earlier
The MLOps market is expected to grow to around $700 million by 2025, up from about $185 million in 2020. The big data analytics market is expected to grow to $68 billion by 2025. And a joint study by MIT Technology Review and Google found that Machine Learning adoption at an organization results in some impressive gains: 2x more data driven decisions, 5x faster decision making, and 3x faster execution.
Build your Big Data and ML skills with the Learn to Earn Cloud Data Challenge. You’ll get no-cost access to 50+ hands-on labs, plus an opportunity to win, grow your network, and showcase your skills.
Start the challenge today!
How does it work?
- Pre-requisite: Earn the Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery skill badge. Already earned it? Great! Don’t have it yet? Be sure to earn it by July 19, 2022.
- Got your skill badge? Great! Join the Data Analyst track. This is the only track you *must* complete to be eligible for a prize.
Then, each week you’ll have an opportunity to explore a new set of skills. New tracks drop weekly, usually on Tuesday. The more you learn, the more badges (and more) you earn!
Note: Earn Learn to Earn Cloud Data Challenge badges to take home one of these exciting prizes! One prize maximum per participant. Prizes are not cumulative. While supplies last, limited time only. Actual item may differ in size and design. You’ll be notified by email before August 31, 2022 if you are eligible for a prize.

Register Here >>> To Join the Challenge
Challenge FAQs**
I have earned the prerequisite skill badge (Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery) before this challenge. Am I still eligible?
Congrats on earning the skill badge! Yes, earning the Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery skill badge ANY TIME fulfills the requirement. Need credits to complete it? Grab the code (above) and follow these steps.
I am also participating in other Google Cloud Skills Boost and Google Cloud programs like Google Cloud Ready Facilitator program. Am I eligible to join this challenge?
Yes! We hope that you take advantage of every opportunity to learn new skills. Please note that different programs have varying requirements, and requirements for the Learn to Earn Cloud Data Challenge may differ from other programs.
Will the prize items be delivered in my country?
The prize items cannot be shipped to countries on the list of the US Treasury Department’s Sanctions Programs, and the following countries: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Crimea, Cuba, Sevastopol City and Syria. Items will not be shipped to these countries. If you’re in one of these countries, you are welcome to participate in learning, within the Terms of Service. You may decline a prize, select an address in a country where shipping is available, or consider a charitable option instead.
Why should I join the challenge?
Just by enrolling, you get no-cost access to valuable hands-on training. Earn badges to showcase what you’ve learned to your professional network, plus get an opportunity to win a prize.
What level of expertise is required for this challenge?
You can start this challenge with little or no prior cloud experience. The Challenge starts from a fundamental level and moves to an advanced level as it progresses. You may find yourself taking a lab more than once to achieve a passing score.
Are you new to Google Cloud Skills Boost?
Welcome, we are so glad you’re here! Create your account and take a quick (No Cost) tour to get oriented.
Is any purchase required?
No. Use the links and access codes on this page to get no cost access to 30+ hands-on labs. Even if you do not earn a prize, this is a great opportunity to learn something new!
How long do I have to complete this challenge?
Each game track is scheduled to run for approximately one week. Note the game’s end date when you join. The challenge may end early depending on prize availability.
Are any of the tracks required, or can I pick and choose?
The Data Analyst Skills track is required for prize eligibility. Then you can earn as many of the remaining badges as you like.
When should I complete each game?
New game tracks will be released approximately weekly throughout the challenge. You do not need to complete them in a certain order. Keep in mind that each challenge is only available for a limited time.*
What if I play one of the games more than once and earn multiple versions of the same badge? (Multiple Data Analyst, Data Science, Sports Data Analysis, Data & Database Engineering, ML Engineering and Business Intelligence tracks?)
Earning multiple copies of a badge will not count towards prize eligibility.
What if I don’t complete all the labs in the game before it ends?
You’ll have opportunities to complete each game only once within a week. However the labs you complete in one game will not count towards completion in a different game, so keep an eye on the start and end times (always visible at the top of every game page).*
Why would the challenge end early?
We do our best to ensure a great experience for all challenge participants. If there’s overwhelming interest and prizes are all claimed sooner than July 19th, 2022, we may end the challenge early.
One of the labs is down for maintenance and I cannot complete the game. What should I do?
Cloud technology moves fast, sometimes faster than lab manuals can keep up. If a game lab is offline for maintenance, we’ll work to get it back online as soon as possible.
Can I share this challenge with coworkers/friends/family/my dentist?
Yes! We strongly believe that learning new skills is a lifelong process and we are passionate about helping folks gain new skills to aid personal and professional goals. You can share this challenge with your network.
Will I receive a certificate after completing the Learn to Earn Cloud Data Challenge?
No. As you successfully complete game tracks, you’ll add game badges to your Google Cloud Skills Boost profile. There are no separate certificates.
I don’t see any score updated next to the lab that I performed in one of the games.
The most important thing to see is a “check” mark next to the lab. Most labs will also list scores, but not all. In cases where a lab has only a completion check, and no points, this setting is true for all players (not just you). You are not at a points disadvantage.
I completed all the labs but I don’t have a badge.
It can take 24 hours for full completion to appear in your Google Cloud Skills Boost profile.
I ran into an issue not answered in the FAQs. Where can I get help?
Your first stop for quick help is the GCC. Your question may have already been answered. If not, post your question. The whole community can help answer questions and share information.
I have completed some of the labs in the previous games. Can I take just the remaining labs to earn the badge?
Unfortunately, like all other games once the game is over you’ll have to start from the beginning and complete all the labs again to earn the badge. We recommend you complete it before the deadline.
I have participated in previous Learn to Earn Cloud challenges. So am I eligible for this one?
Yes, you are eligible to participate.
**The Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge and all associated games may end at any time before 19th July, 2022.
Prizes: Complete games and earn badges to take home one of these exciting prizes*!
Earn at least three badges and add the Data+ badge to be eligible for an additional prize*!

Prize FAQs***
How do I get a prize?
Earn badges to be eligible for a prize. See the “Prizes” section on this page for more information about prize tiers.
When will I get the prize?
You’ll be contacted by August 31, 2022 with details to claim a prize (please ensure you’re opted in, and consider adding us to your contacts). Please do not contact the Google Cloud Skills Boost support team about prizes.
How do I claim the prize?
Earn game badges, according to the guidelines at go.qwiklabs.com/learn-to-earn. Check the “My Learning” page in your Qwiklabs profile to see the game badges you have earned. You do not need to take further action once you have successfully earned all badges.
When do prizes get delivered?
Prize notifications will go out to eligible participants by August 31, 2022. Prize notifications will go to the email address associated with your Google Cloud Skills Boost account.
Am I guaranteed to get a prize if I complete the challenge successfully?
Unfortunately no. Prizes are available while supplies last. Participants will be notified of prize eligibility according to the order in which they complete the challenge, and participants will have a limited time to claim prizes.
What happens if prizes go out of stock?
Prizes are awarded in order of challenge completion. The sooner you earn all three badges, the closer to the front of the line you’ll be. If prizes go out of stock due to overwhelming interest, the challenge may end early.
What if I get my prize and don’t like it. Can I trade it in?
Short answer, no. But please drop us feedback in the Learning Hub community so we can adjust next time!
What if I want different prizes?
We have a set list of prizes for this challenge. But we’d love to hear if there are other items that would interest you. Drop us a note in the learning hub community and let us know what you might like to see in future!
Do I have to have a community profile to participate?
No, but you should! Join the conversation and be the first to hear about upcoming challenges.
I don’t see the prize which I want. What should I do?
Prizes are limited and are distributed on a first come first serve basis. If you do not see the prize which you want it is because it went out of stock. Please claim as soon as possible to get the prize of your choice.
Does rank matter in learn to earn cloud data challenge?
Nope! Rank on the leaderboard does not matter for prize eligibility.
I have completed all my lab work but still I ended up being at a very low position at the leaderboard….How?
Here’s how leaderboard points are calculated: https://support.google.com/qwiklabs/answer/9227238
Where will the prize be delivered?
You will have an opportunity to provide your preferred shipping address when you claim your prize.**
**The Learn to Earn Cloud Data Challenge and all associated games may end at any time before July 19, 2022.
***Prizes are available only while supplies last, for a limited time.
Do you want to learn more about Google Cloud?
Get hands-on experience with tools like Kubernetes, BigQuery, and Compute to build your professional skills, all while scoring points and winning prizes. Games are:
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